Sunday, March 10, 2013


I have thought about creating a blog for a while.  It feels like a lot of pressure so I have been hesitant. I doubt I can do the things necessary to keep up a good following (like post regularly). My goal with this blog will be to post my goals and strategies and experiences. I want to shed some light on diabetes and on becoming a doctor, the two things that are most prevalent in my mind lately. In addition sharing my story, I would love to help the #doc understand health care providers a bit better, and health care providers understand diabetes and a life of chronic illness management better.

 I haven't really worked on my full disclaimer yet, this is a draft based on other blogs I read:

1. this is not medical advice.  While I am training to be a doctor, I am not one yet.  I am certainly not your doctor.  I can share what I do and ideas for the challenges I face with my own health and I can share anecdotes from people who will let me, but I can not tell you if they will work for you, some may harm you. This brings me to my next point...

2. YDMV = Your Diabetes May Vary
Everyone's bodies, lifestyles, management are different with diabetes. Any ideas that you get from me or anywhere else on the diabetes online community (#doc) should be run by your health care team. There are so many complexities to diabetes that I cannot possibly chronicle all the different sides of the issues.  For instance, in my first post on goals, there are lots of other things I do for my diabetes management, but I am not going to tell you all of them in this post or probably any of my posts. 

3. Medical school is a complex and intense process.  I am so grateful to be doing it, but sometimes it feels like it swallows me whole. I will likely have commentary about it as part of this blog. I may also narrate my thought process about figuring out what I want to do with my career. I am new to navigating health care social media (#hcsm) so if I commit a faux pas either let me know so I can fix or forgive me (or both).

This is the beginning of my diabetes posting. We'll see how it goes. I will update this disclaimer from time to time. 

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